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Fillable Form 1099-B (2021)

Form 1099-B is a federal tax form used to report customer gains or losses from transactions with a broker or a barter exchange during the tax year.

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What is Form 1099-B?

Form 1099-B, Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions, is used by taxpayers to report their gains or losses from broker and barter exchange transactions in the preceding year.

How to fill out Form 1099-B?

Applicants can download and print a PDF copy of Form 1099-B from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website that they can manually complete. They can also fill out Form 1099-B electronically on PDFRun.

Form 1099-B has several copies. The following instructions below are applicable to all the copies:

  • Copy A - For Internal Revenue Service Center
    • This copy must be filed along with Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns.
  • Copy 1 - For State Tax Department
  • Copy B - For Recipient
  • Copy 2 - To be filed with recipient’s state income tax return when required
  • Copy C - For Payer

To fill out Form 1099-B, you must provide the following information:

Payer’s Name

Enter your full legal name.

Payer’s Street Address

Enter your street address including your apartment number.

Payer’s City or Town

Enter your city or town.

Payer’s State or Province

Enter your state or province.

Payer’s Country

Enter your country.

Payer’s ZIP Code or Foreign Postal Code

Enter your ZIP code or foreign postal code.

Payer’s Telephone Number

Enter your telephone number.

Payer’s Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Enter your tax identification number (TIN).

Recipient’s Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Have your recipient enter his or her tax identification number (TIN).

Recipient’s Name

Have your recipient enter his or her full legal name.

Recipient’s Street Address

Have your recipient enter his or her street address including his or her apartment number.

Recipient’s City or Town

Have your recipient enter his or her city or town.

Recipient’s State or Province

Have your recipient enter his or her state or province.

Recipient’s Country

Have your recipient enter his or her country.

Recipient’s ZIP Code or Foreign Postal Code

Have your recipient enter his or her ZIP code or foreign postal code.

Recipient’s Telephone Number

Have your recipient enter his or her telephone number.

Recipient’s Account Number

Have your recipient enter his or her account number.

Recipient’s 2nd Tax Identification Number (TIN) Notice

Mark this box if you were notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) twice within 3 calendar years that the recipient provided an incorrect tax identification number (TIN). If you mark this box, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will no longer send you any further notices about this account.

However, if you have received both Internal Revenue Service (IRS) notices in the same year or if you have received the notices in different years but are both related to information returns filed for the same year, you must not check this box. In accordance with the two-notices-in-3-years rule, you are now considered to have received one notice and you are no longer required to send a second “B” notice to your taxpayer.

Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) Number

Have your recipient enter his or her Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) Number of the security for transactional reporting purposes by brokers.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Filing Requirement

Mark this box if you are a Foreign Financial Institution (FFI) reporting payments to a United States account in accordance with an election. Additionally, you must also mark this box if you are a payer in the United States that is reporting on this form as part of fulfilling your reporting requirements.

Applicable Checkbox on Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets

Enter the one-letter code that will assist the recipient in reporting the transaction on Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets or Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. You may enter one of the following codes that apply to your recipient’s way of reporting the transaction:

  • Code A - This code specifies a short-term transaction which includes the costs or other information being reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Code B - This code specifies a short-term transaction that does not include the reports of the costs and other information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Code D - This code specifies a long-term transaction which includes the costs or other information being reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Code E - This code specifies a long-term transaction that does not include the reports of the costs and other information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Code X - This code is used to report a transaction whenever you cannot determine which box the recipient should mark because the holding period is not yet known.

Box 1a. Description of Property

Enter the full legal name of the issuer and the number of shares or units you held that were exchanged and the class of your stock.

Box 1b. Date Acquired

Enter the acquisition date when the securities were sold.

Box 1c. Date Sold or Disposed

Enter the trade date of the sale or exchange for broker transactions.

Enter the date when the cash, property, credit, or scrip was constructively received for barter exchanges.

Box 1d. Proceeds

Enter the gross cash proceeds from all of the dispositions of securities, commodities, securities futures contracts, options, or forward contracts.

Box 1e. Cost or Other Basis

Enter the adjusted basis of all securities sold.

Box 1f. Accrued Market Discount

Enter the amount of accrued market discount.

Box 1g. Wash Sale Loss Disallowed

Enter the amount of wash sale loss disallowed.

Box 2. Type of Gain or Loss

Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to your type of gain or loss. You may select:

  • Short-term gain or loss
  • Long-term gain or loss
  • Ordinary

Box 3. Check if proceeds from

Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to where the proceeds came from. You may select:

  • Collectibles
  • Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF)

Box 4. Federal Income Tax Withheld

Enter the amount of federal income tax withheld.

Box 5. Check if noncovered security

Mark this box if you are reporting the sale of noncovered security.

Box 6. Reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the proceeds that were reported to the IRS. You may select:

  • Gross proceeds
  • Net proceeds

Box 7. Check if loss is not allowed based on amount in Box 1d

Mark this box if the loss is not allowed based on the amount entered in Box 1d.

Box 8. Profit or Loss Realized in 2021 on Closed Contracts

Enter the amount of profit or loss realized on closed regulated futures, foreign currency, or option contracts.

Box 9. Unrealized Profit or Loss on Open Contracts - 2020

Enter the amount of profit or loss realized on open regulated futures, or foreign currency, or option contracts.

Box 10. Unrealized profit or Loss on Open Contracts - 2021

Enter the amount of unrealized profit or loss on open regulated futures, or foreign currency, or option contracts.

Box 11. Aggregate Profit or Loss on Contracts

Enter the aggregate amount of profit or loss for the year from regulated futures, or foreign currency, or option contracts.

Box 12. Check if basis reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Mark this box if you have reported the basis to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Box 13. Bartering

Enter the total gross amounts received by a member of a barter exchange.

Box 14. State Name

Enter the name of your state.

Box 15. State Identification Number

Enter your state identification number.

Box 16. State Tax Withheld

Enter the amount of state tax withheld.


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