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Fillable Form Debt Settlement Agreement

Debt Settlement Agreement is used to confirm in writing the details discussed by a creditor and a debtor to settle a debt. It is usually used when an individual wants to make a final payment for a debt.

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What is a Debt Settlement Agreement?

A Debt Settlement Agreement is a contract signed between a creditor and a debtor where the debtor agrees to pay the total remaining balance of the debt that he or she owed to the creditor. This agreement occurs when a debtor wants to settle his final payment and usually pays between 50% to 70% of the outstanding due or whenever the full payment can be made. Certain terms are also constructed in a debt settlement agreement by both parties.

How to fill out a Debt Settlement Agreement?

Fill out the form accurately to avoid any problems.


Enter the creditor’s full name.


Enter the creditor’s address starting with a street number, street name, city, and state.


Enter the debtor’s full name.


Enter the debtor’s address starting with a street number, street name, city, and state.


Supply the date when both parties agreed on the Debt Settlement Agreement.


Provide the current amount due owed by the debtor, known as the present debt.


Enter the amount of the last payment (present debt) that the debtor wants to settle.


Mark where you want to get the last payment made in the following:

  • Check
  • Bank Wire
  • Certified Check
  • Cash
  • Other (specify)

Then, enter the month, day, and year for making the payment.


The creditor has the authority to remove or delete any entries from the debtor that are harmful to the credit report if the claims are proven.


The Debt Settlement Agreement will also bind the successors or assignees of both parties.


The creditor and debtor agreed that they shall not bring any claim against the other party in relation to the Present Debt.


All parties must maintain the confidentiality of the Debt Settlement Agreement. If in case the agreement were publicized, the involved party is responsible for the damages made and will be liable for such violations.


Changes to any procurements in a Debt Settlement Agreement shall not be compromised unless both parties agreed to make modifications in a formal letter with their sign.


The remaining contract’s provisions, parts, or expressions under this agreement shall remain effective regardless of any terms or provisions found to be unenforceable.


Only the creditor and the debtor agreed that their debt transaction will only involve themselves and not any third party or entity.


Enter the state to identify the laws that would govern this agreement. .


Before signing the Debt Settlement Agreement, you must acknowledge and understand the legal consequences if you fail to follow the mandated terms.


Enter the name of the debtor and sign and date the agreement.


Enter the name of the creditor and sign and date the agreement.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Debt Settlement Agreement

What is the purpose of a Debt Settlement Agreement?

The objective of a Debt Settlement Agreement arranges the financial stability of the debtor to pay the amount owed to the creditor in a much easier way rather than leaving the debtor a pile of debts and interest as he or she can no longer pay the owed money. This settlement helps both parties to fulfill each other’s need for collecting and returning what is borrowed.

The agreement also notes the terms and provisions that the creditor and debtor have recognized for settling the last or final payment. Both parties must follow the precepts they made upon this arrangement to avoid further conflicts and legal punishments.

What are the benefits of a Debt Settlement Agreement?

  1. You have the probability to pay less if the creditor agrees to your settlement intention.

  1. Your credit score standing is amendable for missed payments.

  1. It can help you avoid bankruptcy and debts.

  1. Legal penalties are less likely to be taken into account.

  1. It can prevent the seizure of properties and possessions.

  1. It can mend your financial worries or stress.

What are the risks of a Debt Settlement Agreement?

You see that there are a lot of advantages to a Debt Settlement Agreement. However, there are also risks that you might want to know before you make a settlement and prepare for the possible repercussions.

1. Debt Settlement. A debt settlement company has no firm assurance of achieving a successful arrangement with the creditor of the debtor.

2. Rightful claims. This happens during the fulfillment of debt payments to a debt settlement company and not the debtor’s creditor. Hence, the creditor could possibly take legal action.

3. Credit Score. A Debt Settlement Agreement could be detrimental to the debtor’s credit score when not paid properly because the debts are shown on his or her credit report.

4. Interest. The debtor could end up paying more than the agreed payment for settlement if it fails to accommodate the payment, however, interest will be added on top of the initial agreed payment.

Types of eligible debts

Before you dive into a Debt Settlement Agreement, you must consider what type of debt you have and identify if the settlement is the right choice for you.


This type of debt does not hold any property or possession secured that can be used against it. The creditor won’t be able to collect what you own if you can’t pay the debt in the meantime and are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Here are the common types of unsecured debt:

  • Credit cards
  • Signature loans
  • Medical bills
  • Store cards
  • Gym memberships
  • Other unsecured lines of credit


These are debts that have a secured property or asset that can be seized by a creditor. For instance, if your property has been taken into their possession and you still owe them, you might consider a settlement.

Here are the common types of secured debt:

  • Mortgages
  • Car loans
  • Secured personal loans
  • Government loans
  • Tax/IRS debt

Whether you are qualified for a Debt Settlement Agreement or not, you can still settle a debt if you are having trouble with your finances.

What should be included in a debt settlement agreement?

A debt settlement is an important agreement between a creditor and a debtor. This type of settlement can help to resolve a debt that is in dispute or has been defaulted on. The main goal of a debt settlement is to reach an agreement where the debtor can repay their debt over time, without having to go through bankruptcy or legal action.

The important items that should be included in a debt settlement agreement are:

  • The total amount of the debt
  • The terms of the repayment schedule, including when and how the payments will be made
  • Interest rates and any other fees that will be charged
  • Any consequences if the debtor fails to make a payment or breaches the agreement

If both parties can agree to these terms, then a debt settlement can be established. The debtor will then make monthly repayments to the creditor. In some cases, the debtor may only be able to afford a partial repayment if they receive a lump sum payment from an insurance claim, inheritance, or other windfalls.

In order to avoid any complications with the agreement, it's important that both parties have separate legal representation. The creditor's lawyer will ensure that the terms of the settlement are fair and that the creditor is getting what they're owed. The debtor's lawyer will help to negotiate a repayment schedule that is affordable for the client and will protect their interests.

If you're considering a debt settlement, it's important to consult with a lawyer to understand your rights and obligations.

What are the advantages of debt settlement over bankruptcy?

One of the advantages of debt settlement over bankruptcy is that you will not lose any of your property. Bankruptcy is a serious legal process that can lead to the loss of your home, car, and other possessions. Debt settlement may help you to avoid this result. Another advantage of debt settlement is that you will still receive credit for any money that has been paid. This can be especially important if you were thinking of filing bankruptcy.

There are some disadvantages to consider with debt settlement. One of these disadvantages is that, in many cases, your creditor may choose not to settle and instead sue you for the full amount owed on the debt. This is especially true if you have committed fraud. Debt settlement can also negatively affect your credit score, though this will vary depending on the individual's circumstances. Another consideration is that not every creditor will agree to settle with you via debt settlement. You should consult with a lawyer before taking action to determine which option is best for your unique situation.

It is important to remember that debt settlement should only be considered as a last-ditch effort to avoid bankruptcy. If you are able, it is better to avoid debt settlement altogether and will serve as a much better option for those who have the financial means to repay their debts in full.

In any case, if you are considering debt settlement, you should consult with an attorney about your specific legal rights. An attorney will be able to work with you to ensure that your rights are protected in this delicate situation.

Another advantage of debt settlement over bankruptcy is that you will still receive credit for any money that has been paid. This can be especially important if you were thinking of filing bankruptcy.

What are the disadvantages of debt settlement?

There are some disadvantages to consider with debt settlement. One of these disadvantages is that, in many cases, your creditor may choose not to settle and instead sue you for the full amount owed on the debt. This is especially true if you have committed fraud. Another consideration is that not every creditor will agree to settle with you via debt settlement. You should consult with a lawyer before taking action to determine which option is best for your unique situation.

In addition, debt settlement can have a negative effect on your credit score. This is because the process of settling a debt typically involves negotiating with your creditor to reduce the amount you owe. This will likely be reflected on your credit report as a default or collection account. As a result, your credit score could drop by 100 points or more. In many cases, you can settle a debt without it appearing as default or collection on your credit report as long as it is done correctly.

In some cases, debt settlement is not allowed for certain types of debts such as those with the federal government. In addition, lenders have been known to try and punish people who attempt to settle their debts by suing them, garnishing their wages, or freezing their bank accounts.

Despite the disadvantages, debt settlement can be a great way to get out of debt. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of this option before making a decision. If you decide that debt settlement is the best option for you, be sure to consult with a qualified professional to help you through the process.

What is a reasonable debt settlement offer?

A reasonable debt settlement offer may be as low as several hundred dollars. Sometimes the amount is even as little as a dollar or two. The offer can depend on many factors, such as how much debt you have, your credit profile, and whether you are able to pay off any of that debt before making the offer. In general, it is about 33% of the full balance.

There are a few things to remember when making a debt settlement offer. First, always be truthful about your finances. Lying or withholding information could ruin any chance you have of reaching an agreement with the creditor. Second, make sure you can afford to pay off at least part of the debt before reaching an agreement. Finally, if the creditor accepts your offer and you cannot pay them in full at that time, you should be prepared to make a payment on the total amount due within six months or risk the account going back into the collection.

Is it bad to take a settlement on debt?

In essence, it is bad to take a settlement on the debt. However, Settling a debt instead of paying it in full is sometimes is the only way to recover after debt settlement.

How do I write a debt agreement?

To write a debt agreement, you will need to provide the creditor with some basic information. This includes your name, contact information, and the amount of debt you owe. You will also need to provide the creditor with a plan for how you will repay the debt. This plan should include a schedule of payments and the amount of each payment.

Here are the steps you need to follow when writing a debt agreement:

  • Write your name and contact information at the top of the document.
  • Include the amount of debt you owe, as well as the creditor's name and contact information.
  • Outline your repayment plan, including the amount of each payment and the schedule of payments.
  • Sign and date the agreement.

Take note that your creditor is not bound by your repayment plan. They can demand that you repay more of the debt, or that you repay the debt sooner than the terms outlined in your agreement. However, if they do this it will be harder for them to take legal action against you.

When can a settlement agreement be used?

A settlement agreement can be used when two or more parties want to resolve a dispute without going to court. The agreement is usually written up by a lawyer and will include a description of the dispute, the proposed resolution, and any financial compensation that is being offered.

Settlement agreements are often used in personal injury cases, where the injured person agrees to drop the case in return for a financial settlement from the defendant. They can also be used in business disputes, where two companies agree to settle their differences without involving a judge.

Settlement agreements are not always final, and either party can choose to break the agreement and take the case to court. However, if both parties abide by the terms of the agreement, it can save both sides a lot of time and money.

If you're thinking about entering into a settlement agreement, it's important to speak to a lawyer first. They can help you draft an agreement that meets your needs and protects your interests.

How do I cancel my debt settlement agreement?

To cancel your debt settlement agreement, you must submit a written letter to the credit bureaus.

The letter should ask the consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) to remove all derogatory information that is associated with your debt settlement agreement. The letter must include:

  • Your name, address, and social security number
  • The creditor's name, address, and account number
  • The name and address of the CRAs that received the negative information
  • The date that you entered into a debt settlement agreement

In addition, you must include your original creditor's name from your credit report as it appears on your credit report along with any account numbers associated with those creditors. You should also provide a copy of all documents used to negotiate the debt settlement agreement.

It's important to remember that you must take action to cancel your debt settlement agreement before the settlement is completed. If you do not, the credit bureau may report the account as "paid in full" or "settled." This can have a negative impact on your credit score and may make it more difficult to obtain credit in the future.

Is it best to settle or pay in full?

It is always better to pay in full than to settle a debt. You may think that you are getting a good deal by settling a debt, but in reality, you are only hurting yourself in the long run.

When you pay a debt in full, you are telling the creditor that you take your obligations seriously. You are also proving that you have the financial resources to cover your debts. This sends a positive message to credit bureaus and can increase your credit score.

When you pay a debt in full, the interest rate on that debt will immediately stop as well as all late fees and penalties. Depending on the type of debt that you have, this could save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in additional costs. You should also receive any applicable refund or rebate.

Credit card debt and other types of unsecured debt (debt that is not backed by another asset such as a home or vehicle) will remain on your credit report for 7 years from the date of first delinquency. However, paid in full credit card debt will appear to be paid off much sooner than that because it takes less time for the credit bureau to update its records. This will reflect positively on your credit score.

Paying a debt in full is also the best way to protect yourself from collection lawsuits and wage garnishments. When you are sued by a creditor, they can get a judgment against you which allows them to take legal action to recover the money you owe. This judgment will be reported on your credit report and can stay there for 7 years from the date that it was filed. By paying the debt in full, you are essentially negating a potential lawsuit that would have been very expensive to defend against.

Can I do debt settlement on my own?

Yes, you can settle your debt on your own. And it's not that difficult. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps.

First, you'll need to get your hands on a good debt settlement book or program. This will provide you with the necessary information and instructions to help you settle your debts on your own.

Next, you'll need to create a budget and stick to it. This will help you to free up some extra money to put towards your debt settlement.

Then, you'll need to contact your creditors and let them know that you're interested in settling your debts. Be prepared to negotiate a settlement amount that's acceptable to both you and your creditors.

Finally, you'll need to put together a settlement proposal and send it to your creditors. This proposal will outline your settlement offer, as well as your proposed payment schedule.

Can you pay the original creditor instead collection agency?

Yes, you can certainly pay the original creditor instead of a collection agency. This is a great solution if you can afford it and the original creditor is willing to work with you. However, keep in mind that the original creditor may be less likely to work with you if you're behind on your payments.

If you're not able to pay the original creditor, or they're unwilling to work with you, another option is to negotiate with the collection agency. Collection agencies are often willing to work out a payment plan or settlement if you're unable to pay the full amount owed.

Whatever you do, don't ignore the problem. Not only will this damage your credit score, but it will also make it harder to resolve the debt. Get in touch with the creditor or collection agency right away to find out your options.

How long is your credit affected after debt settlement?

After a debt settlement, your credit can be after for years. A settled account can stay on your credit report for seven years.

This means that your credit score can be lowered for years, making it difficult to get approved for new loans or lines of credit. In addition, a debt settlement can also make it difficult to rent an apartment or get a job. Landlords and employers often check your credit report before approving you for a rental or a position.

If you have a debt settlement on your credit report, it will be more difficult for you to get a new line of credit because of the negative impact it will have on your score. Having a debt settlement on your report for seven years may make it impossible for you to get new lines of credit or loans.

For instance, let's say you have $50,000 in debt and your interest rate is 18%. You can pay off this debt with monthly payments of $500 to $700. If your credit score was poor before the settlement, it will be significantly lower afterward.

At first glance, settling a large amount of debt may seem like an effective way to get out of debt. However, the long-term effects of a debt settlement can be damaging to your credit. It's important to weigh all of your options before deciding whether or not to settle your debt.

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