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Fillable Form FL-150-2019

Income and Expense declaration is a legally required form submitted by a parent under oath stating his/her income, assets, expenses, and liabilities. The document is used to help determine and fix the child support to be paid by the non-custodial parent.

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What is Form FL-150?

lawyer singing a user's printed out fl-150 form

Form FL-150, known formally as the "Income and Expense Declaration” form, is a comprehensive form used as a tool for disclosing financial information during divorce or legal separation proceedings. Its primary purpose is to provide the court with a detailed overview of the financial circumstances of each party involved, enabling informed decisions regarding matters such as spousal support, child support, and division of assets.

At its core, Form FL-150 serves as a means of transparency and accountability in family law cases. It requires parties to disclose a wide range of financial details, including income, expenses, assets, and debts. By mandating such disclosures, the form aims to prevent attempts to conceal assets or manipulate financial information, ensuring that both parties provide a full and accurate picture of their financial situation.

How do I fill out Form FL-150?

Get a copy of FL-150-2019 template in PDF format.

a user and his lawyer discussing their fl-150 form

You may find a fillable copy of Form FL-150 here.

Party Without Attorney / Attorney

Enter the following information about either the filing party if they do not have an attorney, or the attorney that is helping the filing party fill out this form as applicable.

  • State Bar Number
  • Name
  • Firm Name
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code
  • Telephone Number
  • Fax Number
  • Email Address
  • Attorney For (Enter the name of the filing party in the space provided)

Court Address

Enter the following information about the superior court of California that this form is being filed at.

  • Street Address
  • Mailing Address
  • City and ZIP Code
  • Branch Name

Form Information

Enter the following information at the top of each page of this form.

  • Petitioner Name
  • Respondent Name
  • Other Party/Parent/Claimant Name
  • Case Number


Provide the following information about your employment.

  • Employer’s Name
  • Employer’s Address
  • Employer’s Phone Number
  • Occupation
  • Date Job Started
  • If Unemployed, Date Job Ended
  • Hours per week spent working
  • Amount paid (check the box indicating whether you are paid this amount per month, per week, or per hour).

Age and Education

Provide details and answer the following questions about your age and your education.

  • Current Age
  • Completed High School or Equivalent (if you answer no, specify your highest grade completed)
  • Number of Years of College Completed
    • Degree(s) Obtained
  • Number of Years of Graduate School Completed
    • Degree(s) Obtained
  • License
    • Professional/Occupational License(s) (specify in the space provided)
    • Vocational Training (specify in the space provided)

Tax Information

Enter the following information about your taxes.

  • Filed Taxes for Tax Year (specify year)
  • Tax Filing Status
    • Single
    • Head of Household
    • Married, Filing Separately
    • Married, Filing Jointly (specify who you are filing jointly with in the space provided)
  • State Tax Returns Filed In
    • California
    • Other (specify state in the space provided)
  • Claim the Following Number of Exemptions (specify in the space provided)

Other Party’s Income

Provide an estimate of the other party’s income, as well as a short explanation of what the basis for your estimate is.

Number of Pages Attached

If more pages were attached to this form in order to enter all necessary information, enter in the space provided the number of pages attached.


Sign the form in the space provided, then enter your name and the date that the form was signed.


For each of the following, enter the amount earned from the last month, as well as the average amount earned per month.

  • Salary or Wages
  • Overtime
  • Commissions or Bonuses
  • Public Assistance (Check the box provided if you are currently receiving any)
  • Spousal Support (Check the box indicating whether you are receiving Spousal Support from your current marriage or a previous one, as well as if the support is federally taxable)
  • Partner Support (Check the box indication whether you are receiving Partner Support from your current domestic partnership or a previous one)
  • Pension/Retirement Fund Payments
  • Social Security Retirement (not SSI)
  • Disability (Check the box indicating if your disability payments come from Social Security, State Disability, or Private Insurance)
  • Unemployment Compensation
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Other (Specify in the space provided)

Investment Income

For each of the following, enter the amount earned from the last month, as well as the average amount earned per month.

  • Dividends/Interest
  • Rental Property Income
  • Trust Income
  • Other (Specify in the space provided)

Income from Self-Employment, after business expenses for all businesses

Enter the amount earned from self-employment in the last month, and the average amount earned per month. Then check the box indicating what kind of self-employment you engage in. You may choose from the following:

  • Owner/Sole Proprietor
  • Business Partner
  • Other (Specify in the space provided)

Then enter the number of years you’ve spent in this business, and the name and type of the business.

Additional Income

Check this box if you have received one-time money from any source within the last 12 months, and specify the source and amount earned in the space provided.

Change in Income

Check this box if your income has changed significantly over the last 12 months, then enter a short explanation as to why.


Enter the amount of deductions for each of the following.

  • Required Union Dues
  • Required Retirement Payments
  • Medical, Hospital, Dental, and Other Health Insurance Premiums
  • Child Support paid for children from other relationships
  • Spousal Support that you pay by court order from a different marriage (check the box provided if this amount is federally tax deductible)
  • Partner Support that you pay by court order from a different domestic partnership
  • Necessary job-related expenses not reimbursed by your employer


Enter the amount each of the following is worth.

  • Cash and checking accounts, savings, credit union, money market, and other deposit accounts.
  • Stocks, bonds, and other assets you can easily sell
  • All other property (check the box that indicates whether you are including real and/or personal property)


Enter the following information for each person that lives with you.

  • Name
  • Age
  • Relation to you
  • Gross Monthly Income
  • Pays Household Expenses

Average Monthly Expenses

Check the box that indicates whether the below expenses are estimated expenses, actual expenses, or proposed needs. Then enter the amount spent for each of the below:

  1. Home
    1. Rent
    2. Mortgage
      1. If you are paying for a mortgage, enter the average principal and average interest.
    3. Real Property Taxes
    4. Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance
    5. Maintenance and Repair
  2. Health-care costs not paid by insurance
  3. Child care
  4. Groceries and Household supplies
  5. Eating out
  6. Utilities
  7. Telephone, cell phone, and email
  8. Laundry and cleaning
  9. Clothes
  10. Education
  11. Entertainment, gifts, and vacation
  12. Auto expenses and transportation
  13. Insurance
  14. Savings and investments
  15. Charitable contributions
  16. Monthly payments listed in Item/Section 14 (Insert the total from the table in the next section here)
  17. Other (specify with a separate sheet of paper)
  18. Total Expenses (add the amounts from I-XVII, not including the amounts from I(A) and I(B), then enter the sum in the space provided)
  19. Amount of Expenses paid by others

Installment Payments not Listed Above

Enter the following details about each installment payment that you have or will pay that is not included in the above section.

  • Paid To
  • For
  • Amount
  • Balance
  • Date of last payment

Attorney Fees

Enter the following details about the fees paid to your attorney (if applicable).

  • Amount paid to attorney
  • Source of money
  • Total amount still owed
  • Attorney’s hourly rate


Sign the form in the space provided, then enter your name and the date that the form was signed.

Child Support Information

Fill this section out only if your case involves child support payments.

Number of Children

Enter the number of children you have that are still under the age of 18 with the other parent in this case. Then enter an approximate percentage of how much of the children’s time is spent with you, and how much is spent with the other parent. If you are unsure about the percentage or no particular arrangement has been agreed upon, enter a short description of your parenting schedule in the space provided.

Children’s Health-care Expenses

Check the box that indicates whether you do or do not have health insurance available to you for the children through your job. If you do have health insurance, enter the name of the insurance company, the company’s address, and how much your children’s health insurance costs or will cost per month.

Additional Expense for Children in this Case

Enter the amount spent per month for each of the following.

  • Childcare so you can work or get job training
  • Children’s health-care not covered by insurance
  • Travel expenses for visitation
  • Children’s educational or other special needs

Special Hardships

For each of the below that applies, attach documentation that will serve as evidence that the relevant hardship is true and valid, and enter the amount spent per month for each and for how many months.

  • Extraordinary health expenses
  • Major losses not covered by insurance
  • Expenses for minor children who are from other relationships and are living with you
    • Names and ages of said children
    • Child support received for said children
  • Explanation of the hardships caused by the expenses outlined above

Other Information

If there is any other information you wish for the court to have, enter it here.

Start filling out a FL-150-2019 sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I modify Form FL-150?

No, you cannot modify the official Form FL-150. You must use the form as provided by the California Courts.

What if my financial situation changes after I've filled out Form FL-150?

If your financial situation changes, you may need to update Form FL-150 and file it with the court to reflect the new information.

Do I need to fill out Form FL-150 if I have no income?

Yes, you still need to fill out Form FL-150 and indicate that you have no income. You must also provide information about all of your current expenses and assets.

Can I get help filling out Form FL-150?

Yes, you can seek assistance from an attorney or a legal aid organization if you need help filling out Form FL-150.

Do I need to provide my spouse's financial information on Form FL-150?

No, each party fills out their own Form FL-150, providing information about their own financial situation.

What if I disagree with the information provided on my spouse's Form FL-150?

If you disagree with the information provided on your spouse's Form FL-150, you may address your concerns through the legal process, such as by requesting discovery or filing objections with the court.

What if I can't afford to pay for certain expenses listed on Form FL-150?

If you can't afford to pay for certain expenses listed on Form FL-150, you should still include them on the form and explain your financial situation to the court.

Can Form FL-150 be filed Electronically?

Yes, in many jurisdictions, including California, Form FL-150 can be filed electronically. However, the specific procedures for electronic filing may vary depending on the court handling your case. Some courts have implemented electronic filing systems that allow parties to submit documents, including Form FL-150, through secure online portals or electronic filing services. Make sure to check with the court you are submitting the form to to know whether they will allow electronic submissions or not.

Is Form FL-150 confidential?

Form FL-150 is typically filed with the court and may become part of the public record, so it is not considered confidential.

Create a FL-150-2019 document, e-sign, and download as PDF.


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