Form TC 96-182 is used to register and apply for a certificate of title for your vehicle.
Form TC 96-182, Application for Kentucky Certificate of Title or Registration, or also referred to as the Kentucky Vehicle Registration Form, is used by Kentucky residents to apply for a certificate of title or registration for their motor vehicles. Applicants may file this form if they wish to acquire a duplicate, transfer, salvage, or classic title or registration. If applicants are filing for a duplicate title or registration, they must specify if their motor vehicle’s original certificate of title has been lost, destroyed, or damaged.
Applicants can download and print a PDF copy of the Kentucky Vehicle Registration Form from the Kentucky Division of Motor Vehicles (KDMV) website that they can manually complete. They can also fill out the Nevada State ID Application Form electronically on PDFRun.
To fill out the Kentucky Vehicle Registration Form, you must provide the following information:
Type of Application
Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the type of application you would like to file. You may select:
If you marked the “Duplicate” box, mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the condition of the original Certificate of Title. You may select:
Vehicle Identification Section
Enter the information of your motor vehicle.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Enter the vehicle identification number (VIN) of your motor vehicle.
Enter the make of your motor vehicle.
Enter the year or model cycle your motor vehicle is in.
Body Style
Enter the body style of your motor vehicle.
Enter the model of your motor vehicle.
Model Number
Enter the model number of your motor vehicle.
Enter the color of your motor vehicle.
Motor Number
Enter the motor number of your motor vehicle if it is a motorcycle.
Enter the number of cylinders your motor vehicle has.
Truck Weight
Enter the truck weight of your motor vehicle.
Title Brand Disclosure
Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the Title Brand Disclosure of your motor vehicle. You may select:
If you have checked one of the boxes and the title of your motor vehicle does not include a brand, enter its jurisdiction and title number if there was a previous brand issued.
Certified Inspector Section
Enter the information about your certified inspector.
Certified Inspector Name
Enter the full legal name of your certified inspector.
Enter his or her county.
Phone Number
Enter his or her phone number.
Motor Vehicle Odometer Reading
Have the certified inspector enter the odometer reading of your motor vehicle.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Enter the vehicle identification number (VIN) of your motor vehicle.
Owner Name
Enter your full legal name.
Owner Driver’s License Number (DLN) and State
Enter your driver’s license number (DLN) and state.
Certified Inspector’s Signature
Have your certified inspector affix his or her signature.
Inspector Number
Have your certified inspector enter his inspector number.
Enter the current date.
Odometer Reading
Enter the odometer reading of your motor vehicle. Then, mark the appropriate box that corresponds to the odometer reading or mileage of your motor vehicle. You may select:
Sale Price
Enter the sale price of the motor vehicle in U.S. dollars.
Enter the trade-in amount of the motor vehicle in U.S. dollars.
Net Cost
Enter the net cost amount of the motor vehicle in U.S. dollars.
Enter the tax amount of the motor vehicle in U.S. dollars.
Date of Sale
Enter the date of sale.
Make of First Motor Vehicle
Enter the make of the first motor vehicle.
Year of First Motor Vehicle
Enter the year or model cycle the first motor vehicle is in.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of First Motor Vehicle
Enter the vehicle identification number (VIN) of the first motor vehicle.
Title Number of First Motor Vehicle
Enter the title number of the first motor vehicle.
Make of Second Motor Vehicle
Enter the make of the second motor vehicle.
Year of Second Motor Vehicle
Enter the year or model cycle of the second motor vehicle.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of Second Motor Vehicle
Enter the vehicle identification number (VIN) of the second motor vehicle.
Title Number of Second Motor Vehicle
Enter the title number of the second motor vehicle.
Joint Ownership
Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the joint ownership between the seller and the owner or the buyer. You may select:
If no boxes have been marked, the Transfer of Title must require the signatures of both the seller and the owner or the buyer.
Name of Seller
Enter the full legal name of the seller.
Dealer Number
Enter the dealer number of the seller.
Street Address
Enter the street address of the seller.
Enter the city of the seller.
Enter the county of the seller.
Enter the state of the seller.
ZIP Code
Enter the ZIP code of the seller.
Email Address
Enter the email address of the seller.
Name of Owner or Buyer
Enter your full legal name.
Social Security Number, Kentucky Driver’s License Number, or Government Issued Number
Enter your social security number (SSN), Kentucky driver’s license number (KyDL No.), or government-issued number.
Birth Month
Enter your birth month.
Name of Owner or Buyer
Enter the full legal name of the other owner or buyer.
Social Security Number, Kentucky Driver’s License Number, or Government Issued Number
Enter the social security number (SSN), Kentucky driver’s license number (KyDL No.), or government-issued number of the other owner or buyer.
Birth Month
Enter the birth month of the other owner or buyer.
Phone Number
Enter your phone number.
Street Address
Enter your street address.
Enter your city.
Enter your county.
Enter your state.
ZIP Code
Enter your ZIP code.
Email Address
Enter your email address.
Loan Application
Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to your loan application regarding the motor vehicle described in this form. You may select:
Lessee Name or Other
Enter the full legal name of the lessee.
Lessee Address
Enter the address of the lessee.
Enter the city of the lessee.
Enter the county of the lessee.
Enter the state of the lessee.
Enter the ZIP code of the lessee.
Seller’s Signature
Have the seller affix his or her signature.
Seller’s Signature
Have the other seller affix his or her signature.
Date of Transfer
Enter the date of transfer.
First Lienholder
Enter the full legal name of the first lienholder.
Enter the address of the lienholder.
County Lien to be filed in
Enter the county lien to be filed in.
Owner or Buyer’s Signature
Affix your signature.
Owner or Buyer’s Signature
Have the other owner or buyer affix his or her signature.
Attesting Official
Have the attesting official enter his or her full legal name.
Have the attesting official enter his or her title.
Current Date
Enter the current date.
Commission Expiry Date
Enter the commission expiry date.
Keywords: vehicle title registration ky vehicle title registration dmv ky vehicle register kentucky vehicle register kentucky vehicle register