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Fillable Form Meeting Agenda Template

A Meeting Agenda Template is used to outline the things that group leaders and members intend to achieve at a meeting.

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What is a Meeting Agenda Template?

A Meeting Agenda Template is a document used in meetings to outline meeting agenda or objectives and other important information, such as the attendees, facilitator, topics, and minutes. It can be used for strategy meetings, executive meetings, product design reviews, presentations, and other types of meetings.

To have a successful and effective meeting, each attendee must have a clear vision of what the meeting is all about. A Meeting Agenda Template is intended for this purpose as it serves as a meeting guide that enables them to highlight important information to be tackled.

How to fill out a Meeting Agenda Template?

A meeting requires an individual to invest a significant amount of time and effort. Thus, it is important to set up and establish agenda ahead of time or before a meeting.


Enter the agenda or title of the meeting.

Meeting Date

Enter the date of the meeting.


Enter the name of the individuals who will attend the meeting.


Enter the name of the meeting facilitator.


Enter the requirements needed at the meeting.


Enter the topics to be discussed at the meeting.


Enter the name of the presenter of the topic.

Time Allocated

Enter the time allocated for each topic.


This part is to be filled out during the meeting.

Meeting Date

Enter the date of the meeting.


Enter the names of the individuals present at the meeting.


Enter the name of the meeting facilitator.

Minute Taker

Enter the name of the individual responsible for jotting down the minutes of the meeting.

Time Keeper

Enter the name of the individual who measures or records the amount of time taken during the meeting.

Minute Items

Enter the minute or action items assigned during the meeting.

Time Allocated

Enter the deadline or the time allocated to complete the action item.

Action by Whom

Enter the name of the person assigned to do the action item.

Date to be Actioned By

Enter the starting date to do the action item.

What is a meeting minute?

A Meeting Agenda Template includes space for meeting minutes.

A meeting minute is a record of the discussions, decisions, and actions taken during a meeting. It includes vital information, such as the list of the action items, the name and the title of the person who made the decisions or actions, the date the action item was assigned and should be accomplished, and the name of the individuals assigned to do the action items. The action items are given during a meeting and must be accomplished in a specific period.

Meeting minutes are usually distributed immediately after a meeting. Most businesses or companies use it when holding a meeting to discuss strategic policies, evaluate projects by individuals or teams, and other business-related agenda. It also minimizes confusion about who said what at an important event or meeting, which is useful as evidence for future business litigations.

What are the types of Meeting Agenda Templates?

Here are the types of Meeting Agenda Templates:

1. Basic Meeting Agenda Template — A Basic Meeting Agenda Template is the simplest type with four allocated spaces for topics and subtopics. The lower part of it is the "Notes and Action Items" part designed for meeting attendees to write their important notes.

2. Staff Meeting Agenda Template — A Staff Meeting Agenda Template can be used in business meetings as it is designed for professional use. It contains the company name or department, date, time, and location of the meeting, requested attendees, timeframe for topic discussions, and space for action items.

3. General Staff Meeting Agenda Template — A General Staff Meeting Agenda Template is slightly similar to a Staff Meeting Agenda Template. However, it does not include the name of the requested attendees. It only contains the timeframe for topic discussions, which depicts the flow of the meeting.

4. Team Meeting Agenda Template — A Team Meeting Agenda Template allows a project leader or manager to provide an outline of the meeting for the team. It contains the project name, date, time, and location of the meeting, meeting goals or objectives, list of prework tasks or assignments, and timeframe for topic discussions.

5. Business Meeting Agenda Template — A Business Meeting Agenda Template is used in business meetings. It contains the meeting title and information, preparation actions, action items from the previous meeting, agenda items, new action items, and other notes. Although it is not graphics-wise, its elements are more specific.

6. Committee Meeting Agenda Template — A Committee Meeting Agenda Template is used for Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), neighborhood, and club meetings. It contains the meeting title, time and location of the meeting, list of action items or topics and the presenter, next meeting schedule, and name and signature of the person who records the meeting.

7. Board Meeting Agenda Template — A Board Meeting Agenda Template is used in corporate board meetings. It has a formal design, which fits perfectly for its intended users. It contains the start date and time of the meeting, the schedules of previous and next meetings, agenda items, timeframe for the topic discussions, action items per topic, and names of the person who prepared the Board Meeting Agenda Template and the minutes.

8. Community Meeting Agenda Template — A Community Meeting Agenda Template is used by non-profit organizations and clubs for their meetings. A formal meeting structure helps them deliver messages or news to their community or members.

9. All Day Conference Meeting Agenda Template — An All Day Conference or Workshop Meeting Agenda communicates times and places for meetings or workshops. It contains topics with different schedules and locations.

10. PTA Committee Meeting Agenda Template — A PTA Committee Meeting Agenda Template is designed for parent-teacher association meetings.

11. Formal Meeting Agenda Template — A Formal Meeting Agenda Template is used in formal meetings or pre-planned events. It is designed according to Robert's Rules of Order, a manual parliamentary procedure that governs most organizations with boards of directors. It was written by Henry Martyn Robert, an American soldier, engineer, and author. Parliamentary procedure is a set of rules for conducting orderly meetings that accomplish goals equitably.

Robert's Rules of Order outlines the correct practice for meetings so that each person gets a fair chance to speak. It also covers the correct practice to open and close a meeting and the resolutions if things get out of order. Robert's Rules of Order is one of the most popular procedural manuals used by non-profit organizations, school boards, civic groups, churches, homeowner associations (HOA), citizen groups, and other types of gatherings in the United States and the United Kingdom, and Canada.


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