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Fillable Form Freelance Contract

This is a template used to create and fill-out a Freelance Contract Form which contains the terms between the freelancer and client such as details on the compensation, nature of work, and other details of the project.)

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What is a Freelance Agreement?

A Freelance Agreement or a Freelance Contract is a document that determines and verifies an agreement for freelance work between two parties— a client and a freelancer. This agreement discusses the terms that both parties must abide by.

This Freelance Agreement Contract is something that can be filed to protect the interests of the client and the freelancer by defining the terms of the agreement before the services are provided. It ensures that the freelancer understands the nature of their services and how they are to deliver them and holds the client accountable for paying for services.

Freelancer Agreement vs. Employee Agreement

The Freelance Contract Agreement is different from an Employment agreement because a freelancer is treated differently than an employee. They are treated differently in terms of tax liability, labor laws, and worker’s compensation. However, the major differences between the two are the reason why they are hired and how they work.

Usually, employees are hired due to a necessity to complete a task regularly and consistently. Companies that hire employees seek to build a relationship with them and grow that relationship to give the employee a degree of job security and reliable income. For this reason, the employee is made to strictly follow company policies.

Freelancers, on the other hand, are often hired by companies that do not want to build a long-term professional relationship either due to the required task being expected to not last long or require a specific set of skills. However, due to this, freelancers are not bound to specific policies and in turn, are free to manage their work according to their preferences.

How to fill out a Freelance Agreement?

Get a copy of Freelance Contract template in PDF format.

Freelancers who are interested in filling out a Freelance Agreement Form can find a PDF version of a Freelance Agreement Template that they can download and complete manually from websites that offer legal document templates.

You can also fill it out electronically on PDFRun.

Filling out the Agreement

The opening paragraph of the agreement details the important information concerning this agreement. Specifically, it requires that you input the date the agreement is made, your name, and the name of your client.

After this, the subsequent items detail the terms of the agreement.

  1. Services

This section details the type of services you will provide as a freelancer. Input a succinct description of your services here. This section also states that any changes and adjustments can be done to the services as agreed upon by both parties.

  1. Compensation

This is the section where your client will detail how they will compensate for the services described in the previous section. The client can choose from four different modes of compensation: a fixed wage, a set fee, after completing milestones, or other modes (Check the appropriate box. Choose only one).

  • A Fixed Wage

If your client chooses to pay you through a fixed wage, the amount to be paid must be inputted and if the pay per hour, per week, per month, or per year (check the appropriate box). Then you must detail when the freelancer will receive payment (check the appropriate box).

  • Weekly. Indicate the day of the week.
  • Monthly. Indicate the day of the month.
  • After the freelancer sends an invoice. Input the number of days after receiving the invoice when the freelancer must be paid. The Freelancer should also indicate when they will be expected to send the invoices (check the appropriate box). Whether at the end of every week, on a specific day of the month (must be indicated), or within some days after the task is completed (indicate the number of days).
  • If the payment is to be done on a special event or condition, check “Other” and indicate the specific condition.

  • A Set Fee

Input the amount to be paid. Then, indicate when it will be paid by checking the appropriate box below.

  • After the Freelancer completes the services
  • After the Freelancer sends an invoice. Indicate how many days the client has to pay the fee after they receive the invoice. Then, the Freelancer must indicate when they will submit invoices (check the appropriate box).
    • At the end of every week
    • On a specific day in every month and within a specific number of days after the completion of the task. Indicate the day of the month and the number of days after the completion of the task that invoice is to be expected. If there are any other conditions to send the invoice, check the box beside “other” and input the specific condition.
    • If the invoice is to be sent in a specific condition or event, indicate it by checking the “Other” box and specifying the conditions.

  • After Completing Certain Milestones

Input the amount to be paid and the milestone that will be paid. Then, indicate when the payment shall be given (check the appropriate box.).

  • Upon completion of the milestone.
  • On a specific day in every month and within a specific number of days after the completion of the task. Indicate the day of the month and the number of days after the completion of the task that invoice is to be expected. If there are any other conditions to send the invoice, check the box beside “other” and input the specific condition.
  • If the invoice is to be sent in a specific condition or event, indicate it by checking the “Other” box and specifying the conditions.

  • Other

If the payment for the freelancer’s services will be made in a different mode, indicate it.

  1. Expenses

This section is where you will detail how expenses for the task will be handled. If the client will reimburse the freelancer for the expenses, check the first box. If not, then check the second box.

  1. Term and Termination

Input when the agreement will take full effect. Then, indicate when it will be terminated by checking the appropriate box.

  • Upon completion of services
  • After some months, days, or other measures of time (check the appropriate box). Indicate the amount.
  • On a specific date. Indicate this date.
  • At will. The contract can be terminated by both parties at any time.

Upon termination, client property used for the completion of the services will be returned and the freelancer must repay any lost or damaged property used in the services.

  1. Independent Contractor

This section is to recognize that the Freelancer is not an employee and therefore will not be treated as such in any circumstance.

  1. Confidentiality

This section is to confirm whether or not the freelancer will be exposed to confidential information. Check the appropriate box. If you have confirmed that the freelancer will be exposed to confidential information, read the terms and conditions regarding the treatment of the information thoroughly.

  1. Ownership of Work Product

This section is to agree that the product of the services is the sole property of (check the appropriate box):

  • The Client, meaning that the freelancer will not have any say in what the client does with the product.
  • The Freelancer, meaning that they are allowing the client a license to use the product but cannot claim any ownership of the product (and all the authority attached to ownership).

  1. Insurance

This section details whether or not the Freelancer is required to maintain an insurance policy within the agreement in the event of any injury or damages to property. If they are, check the first box. If not, check the second box.

  1. Non-Compete

You can decide to include this section by inputting your initials in the space before the clause. If you do not want to include this clause, cross it out instead.

This section is where the freelancer agrees to not participate in any business similar to this contract during the term of the agreement and some months (indicate the number) after the termination of the contract.

  1. Non-Solicit

You can decide to include this section by inputting your initials in the space before the clause. If you do not want to include this clause, cross it out instead.

This section has the freelancer agree to not use the contacts of the client to affect the client’s business negatively during some months (indicate the number) after the termination of the agreement.

  1. Mutual Representations and Warranties

This section verifies that both parties recognize the authority of the other in terms of executing the terms of this agreement. This section also recognizes that no other consent is necessary for both parties to perform this agreement.

  1. Independent Contractor Representation and Warranties

This section verifies that the freelancer has all the requirements to be able to perform the services agreed upon in this contract.

  1. Indemnification

You can decide to include this section by inputting your initials in the space before the clause. If you do not want to include this clause, cross it out instead.

This section verifies that the freelancer will indemnify and hold harmless the client in any damages, liabilities, claims, loss, and legal expenses if the agreement would be breached in any provision.

  1. Governing Law

Indicate under which state laws this agreement will be governed.

  1. Disputes

This section identifies how disputes concerning this agreement shall be dealt with (check one.)

  • Court Litigation. Indicate the state where court litigation will occur.
  • Attorney’s Fees
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Mediation then arbitration

  1. Binding Effect

This section is to state that the agreement is binding and inure to the benefit of all the Parties and their eligible successors and permitted assigns.

  1. Assignment

This section is to verify that the interests of the freelancer are personal and cannot be assigned to another party without the prior written consent of the client.

  1. Entire Agreement

This agreement is an agreement made in full and will overrule any other related agreements made before it.

  1. Amendments

This agreement cannot be amended without the distinct approval of both parties.

  1. Notices

All notices that are concerned with this agreement and any communication made under this agreement shall be in writing and delivered by hand by overnight courier services.

  1. Waiver

This section considers that both parties have the right to exercise their rights under this agreement and they have not waived these rights.

  1. Further Assurances

If one party requests documents from the other party, this section verifies that they must deliver these documents.

  1. Severability

If any provision of this agreement shall be deemed invalid, the remaining provisions will not be affected and shall remain in full effect.


Client Signature

Affix the signature of the client here. You may also affix the day of signing here.

Client Full Name

Input the complete name of the client.

Independent Contractor Siganture

Affix your signature here. You may also affix the day of signing here.

Independent Contractor Full Name

Input your complete name.

Start filling out a Freelance Contract sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Freelance Agreement

Do freelancers have contracts?

It is recommended that freelancers use contracts for all of their projects, no matter how big or small. This simple step can save a lot of time, money, and headaches down the road.

For example, let's say you're a freelance graphic designer and you've been hired to create a logo for a new business. You may be tempted to just do the work and send invoices later, but this could cause problems. What if the client doesn't like the logo? What if they decide not to pay?

A contract will help to prevent these sorts of issues by clearly outlining the scope of work, deliverables, deadlines, and payment terms. This way, both you and the client will know exactly what is expected, and there will be less room for misunderstanding or disagreement.

Using contracts is one of the best ways to protect yourself as a freelancer. It may seem like extra work upfront, but it will save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run.

Do not just take on projects because they sound like they will be interesting or fun. You should always have a solid freelancing contract in place before starting any work. This document will then serve as a legally binding agreement between you and will help to protect your rights as a freelancer.

While it's true that contracts can be complex, there are many resources available to help you create one that is tailored to your specific needs.

What is the meaning of freelance?

Freelance or freelancing having the freedom to choose what you want to do, when you want to do it, and where you want to do it. It’s great being your own boss and deciding which projects you want to work on, but it also means that you have to be disciplined and organized in order to make a success of it.

If you’re thinking of becoming a freelancer or are already working as one, here are some tips to help you get started and make the most of your new career:

  • Define your niche — One of the first things you need to do is decide what it is you want to freelance in. What are your skills and experience? What does your ideal client look like? Once you know this, you can start targeting clients that need your specific services.
  • Get organized — As a freelancer, you’ll need to be very organized in order to keep on top of your work. This means creating a system for managing your projects, deadlines, and invoices. There are lots of great project management tools out there that can help with this, so find one that works for you and stick to it.
  • Invest in your business — When you’re first starting out as a freelancer, it’s tempting to just do everything yourself in order to save money. However, if you want to be successful long-term, it’s important to invest in your business. This could mean hiring someone to help with your social media marketing or taking a course on copywriting. Whatever it is, make sure you’re always investing in ways to improve your business.
  • Promote yourself — As a freelancer, one of the most important things you can do is promote yourself and your business. Make sure you have a strong online presence and don’t be afraid to reach out to potential clients directly. Networking is also key, so try to attend relevant events in your industry.
  • Stay focused — One of the biggest challenges of freelancing is staying focused and avoiding distractions. With no one around to tell you what to do, it’s easy to end up wasting time on things that aren’t productive. So make sure you set yourself a daily schedule and stick to it. And if you need some help staying motivated, there are lots of great productivity apps out there that can give you a boost.
  • Be prepared for ups and downs — When you’re a freelancer, there will be good days and bad days. You might have months where you’re super busy and making great money, and then suddenly things can slow down. It’s important to be prepared for these ups and downs and to have a financial safety net in place so you know you can cover your costs if work dries up for a while.
  • Enjoy it — Last but not least, make sure you enjoy what you do. Freelancing can be tough at times, but it’s also a great way to make a living doing something you love. So savor the moments when things are going well, and remember that even the tough times can be a learning experience.

How do I write a freelance agreement?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the terms of a freelance agreement will vary depending on the specific project and client involved. However, there are some key elements that should be included in any freelance agreement, such as:

  • Clearly defined scope of work
  • Specific deadlines
  • Payment terms
  • Rights and ownership of the work produced

Creating a detailed and well-written freelance agreement can help to prevent misunderstandings and disagreements down the road, so it is worth taking the time to do it right. If you are not sure where to start, there are many templates and samples available online that can provide a helpful starting point.

Who uses a freelance agreement?

Most commonly, businesses or individuals who need temporary help with a project will use a freelance agreement. This could be anything from hiring a web developer to help build a new website, to hiring an event planner to help with a company party.

If you're thinking of hiring a freelancer, it's important to have a clear and concise agreement in place before any work begins. This will help protect both parties involved and ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the scope of work, deadlines, compensation, and other important details.

If you're a freelancer, it's also in your best interest to have a signed agreement in place before beginning any work. This way, you can be sure that you'll be paid for your work and that there is a clear understanding of your responsibilities.

A freelancing agreement should include:

  • The names and contact information of both the freelancer and the individual or business they are working for (the "client").
  • A description of the work to be done. This should be as specific as possible so that there is no confusion about what is expected.
  • The timeline for the project. This should include deadlines for milestones, as well as the expected completion date.
  • The compensation that was agreed upon. This should include not only the dollar amount but also how and when payment will be made.
  • Any other important details, such as whether expenses will be reimbursed or if travel is required.

Having a signed agreement in place before beginning any work can save a lot of headaches down the road. If you're hiring a freelancer, be sure to have a well-written agreement that covers all the important details. And if you're a freelancer, don't start any work without a signed agreement in place!

What should be included in a freelance agreement?

When hiring a freelancer, it is important to have a clear and concise agreement in place that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, timeline, payment terms, and other conditions of the project. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page from the start and can avoid any misunderstandings or disputes down the road.

Here are some key elements that should be included in a freelance agreement:

  • Project Scope — The first thing that should be addressed in a freelance agreement is the scope of work. This means clearly defining what work will be done, how it will be delivered, and when it is due. This will help set expectations and avoid any scope creep later on.
  • Deliverables — The next thing to include in the agreement are the specific deliverables that the freelancer will be responsible for. This could be a certain number of blog posts, articles, social media posts, etc. Be as specific as possible so that there is no confusion about what is expected.
  • Timeline — Another important element to include is a timeline for the project. This will outline when each deliverable is due and help keep both parties on track. It is important to be realistic with the timeline to avoid any unrealistic expectations or pressure.
  • Payment Terms — One of the most important things to include in a freelance agreement is the payment terms. This means specifying how much will be paid for the work, when payment will be made, and what the method of payment will be. It is important to be clear about this upfront to avoid any disagreements later on.
  • Cancellation Policy — It is also important to include a cancellation policy in the agreement. This should outline what would happen if either party needs to cancel the project for any reason. This can help avoid any misunderstandings or disputes if the project does need to be canceled.
  • Termination Policy — Another important thing to include is a termination policy. This outlines what would happen if either party decides to terminate the agreement early. This can help protect both parties in case of any unforeseen circumstances.
  • Confidentiality Agreement — If there is any confidential information that will be shared during the project, it is important to include a confidentiality agreement. This will help protect any sensitive information and ensure that it is not used without permission.
  • Lawful Use Agreement — It is also important to include a lawful use agreement. This outlines how the freelancer will use any work that they create during the course of the project. This can help avoid any legal issues later on.

These are just some of the key elements that should be included in a freelance agreement. It is important to have a clear and concise agreement in place before starting any project to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes later on.

Is freelancing illegal?

There is no easy answer to this question since there is no one definitive answer. The legality of freelancing depends on a number of factors, including the country in which you reside, the specific industry you work in, and the type of work you do. In some cases, freelancing may be considered illegal if it violates local laws or regulations. In other cases, it may be perfectly legal. Ultimately, it is important to consult with an attorney or other legal expert in order to determine whether or not freelancing is legal in your specific situation.

Is a freelancer self-employed?

In general, freelancers are self-employed individuals who provide their services to clients on a temporary or project basis. Typically, freelancers are not considered employees of the companies they work for and do not receive benefits such as health insurance or paid vacation time. While some freelancers may work exclusively for one company, others may juggle multiple clients at any given time. Ultimately, the term "freelance" simply refers to a person who is not bound by a traditional employment contract.

How do freelancers get paid?

Most freelancers get paid through online platforms that connect them with clients. Once a client has agreed to work with a freelancer, they will typically create an account on the platform and deposit money into it. The freelancer will then begin working on the project and submit their invoices through the platform. The client will review the work and release payment to the freelancer once they are satisfied.

Who can be a freelancer?

Anyone can be a freelancer. You don't need any special skills or experience. All you need is a willingness to work hard and a commitment to your craft. There are many different types of freelancers, so you're sure to find one that's right for you.

The most important thing is to find a niche that you're passionate about. Once you've found your niche, the sky is the limit. There are many ways to make money as a freelancer, so don't be afraid to get creative.

Nevertheless, if you have skills and experience in a particular area, you may have an easier time getting started. For example, if you're a web developer, you can start by offering your services to businesses that need a new website. Or, if you're a graphic designer, you can offer your services to companies that need help with their branding.

No matter what your skills or experience, there's a freelancing opportunity out there for you.

What is the difference between a contractor and a freelancer?

There is a big difference between a contractor and a freelancer. A contractor is usually hired by a company to do specific tasks or projects, while a freelancer is self-employed and can work for multiple clients. contractors are usually more expensive than freelancers because they are considered experts in their field and have more experience. Freelancers may also be less reliable since they are not under contract with any one company. This can be a good or bad thing, depending on the project you need to be completed.

Are freelance contracts legally binding?

That depends on the jurisdiction in which the contract is created and enforced. In some jurisdictions, such as the United States, freelance contracts are treated as binding agreements between two parties, just like any other type of contract. However, in other jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom, freelance contracts may not be legally enforceable. This means that if one party breaches the contract, the other party may not be able to take legal action to recover damages. Ultimately, it is important to consult an attorney in your jurisdiction to determine whether your freelance contract is legally binding.

How do you end a freelance job gracefully?

There are a few things to keep in mind when ending a freelance job gracefully. First, be professional and courteous to your client. Remember that you are representing yourself and your brand, so it is important to be respectful and cooperative. Secondly, make sure that all loose ends are tied up before you officially end the job. This means completing any outstanding work, returning any borrowed materials, and ensuring that all payments have been made. Finally, take the time to thank your client for the opportunity to work together. A simple note or email expressing your appreciation can go a long way in maintaining a positive relationship with past clients.

When should you drop a freelance client?

This is a tough question to answer, as there isn't necessarily a "right" time to do so. However, there are certain situations where it may be beneficial or necessary to end the freelancer-client relationship. Below are four common reasons why freelancers may choose to drop a client:

  • The work is no longer interesting or challenging — If you find yourself bored or uninterested in the work you're doing for a particular client, it may be time to move on. It's important to keep challenging yourself professionally, and if a client isn't providing that opportunity anymore, it may be best to seek out new opportunities elsewhere.
  • The client is demanding too much of your time and energy — There's nothing wrong with working hard for a client, but if you feel like you're being taken advantage of or your time is constantly being demanded without proper compensation, it may be time to move on. Remember that you are your own boss as a freelancer, and you should never feel like you're being taken advantage of.
  • The pay is no longer commensurate with the work required — If you feel like you're doing a lot of work for a client but not being fairly compensated, it may be time to renegotiate your rate or find new clients who are willing to pay what you're worth. Don't sell yourself short just because a client is low-paying - only you can decide what your time is worth.
  • The client is difficult to work with — If you find yourself constantly arguing with or feeling frustrated by a particular client, it may be time to call it quits. Of course, every client-freelancer relationship has its challenges, but if you're consistently unhappy with the way a client treats you or communicates with you, it's probably not worth your time and energy to continue working together.

Ultimately, only you can decide when it's time to drop a freelance client. If you're feeling bored, unappreciated, or taken advantage of, it may be time to move on and find new clients who will value your skills and contributions. Trust your gut — if something feels wrong, it probably is.

Create a Freelance Contract document, e-sign, and download as PDF.

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