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Fillable Form CSD-DL Hawaii Driver's License Application

Applicants for initial and renewal of their Hawaii Driver’s License are required to complete this Hawaii Drivers License Application (csd-dl) form.

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What is the State of Hawaii Driver’s License Application form?

If you intend to become a driver in Hawaii, you will need a Hawaii driver’s license. The first step to obtaining one is to fill out the State of Hawaii Driver’s License Application form.

Before applying for your adult driver’s license, if you are in Honolulu or Kauai Counties, you must have an instructional permit. Other counties do not require that you purchase the permit and all procedures are the same.

There are different types of driver’s licenses in Hawaii. The one you will apply for will depend on your age and the vehicle you are driving.

Types of Driver’s Licenses in Hawaii:

  • Moped License (Class 1) — This type of driver’s license allows you to operate mopeds on highways.
  • Motorcycle (Class 2) — This type of driver’s license allows you to operate motorcycles.
  • Driver’s License (Class 3) — This type of driver’s license is the regular non-commercial driver’s license that allows you to operate any passenger car or single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating not exceeding 18,000 pounds and built to carry no more than 15 passengers, including the driver.
  • Commercial Driver’s License (CDL / Class A, B, or C) — The class of this driver’s license depends on the type of commercial vehicle you drive. Class A allows you to operate any truck or tractor or trailer that exceeds a gross weight vehicle rating of 26,001 pounds. Class B allows you to operate any single vehicle that has a gross weight vehicle rating of 26,001 pounds. Class C allows you to operate any single vehicle that does not meet the gross weight vehicle rating of Class B but requires passenger or hazardous endorsement.

How to fill out the State of Hawaii Driver’s License Application form?

The State of Hawaii Driver’s License Application form is a two-page document. The first page is the application form for a driver’s license. The second page is the Voter Registration Application form that you may use to apply as a voter in Hawaii.

To start, check the box to identify the type of transaction requested. You may select:

  • Driver’s License Renewal
  • Instruction Permit (New, Duplicate, Renewal)
  • Duplicate (Temporary, Lost, Name/Address Change)
  • Out of State Transfer

Mark “Yes” if you wish to designate your driver’s license or instruction permit as your REAL ID-compliant card (with a star in a gold circle), provided all REAL ID required documentation has been provided. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Social Security Number
Provide your 9-digit Social Security Number (SSN).

Driver’s License Number
Use this item if you are not applying for a Hawaii driver’s license for the first time.

Date of Birth
Provide your date of birth in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.

Full Legal Name
Provide your full legal name in the following format: Last, Name, Middle, Suffix.

Mailing Address
Provide your complete mailing address.

Hawaii Principal Residence Address
Write SAME if your Hawaii Principal Residence Address is the same as your Mailing Address. If not, provide it.

Provide your height in Feet and Inches.

Provide your weight in Pounds.

Color Hair
Provide the natural color of your hair.

Color Eyes
Provide the natural color of your eyes.

Gender Designation
Mark the appropriate checkbox to determine your gender.

Phone Number
Provide your phone number.

Provide your job title.

Business Address
Provide your complete business address.

Mark “Yes” if you wish to be an organ or tissue donor.

Mark “Yes” if you have an advance health-care directive. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Mark “Yes” if you wish to have a veteran designation. The question is only applicable to any person who served in any of the uniformed services of the United States and was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. Documentary evidence is required.

Item 1
Mark “Yes” if you previously held a driver’s license in Hawaii, another State or Country. Then, provide the State or Country and the License Number and Expiration Date. Otherwise, Mark “No.”

Item 2-A
Mark “Yes” if you have ever been convicted in the State of Hawaii for driving without a license within the last three years. Otherwise, Mark “No.”

Item 2-B
Mark “Yes” if you had an application for any driver’s license refused. Otherwise, Mark “No.”

Item 2-C
Mark “Yes” if you had any such license suspended or revoked. Then, provide the Date and Reason. Also, answer if the license has been reinstated or not. Otherwise, Mark “No.”

Item 2-D
Mark “Yes” if you have ever been required to deposit proof of Financial Responsibility under the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility laws of the State of Hawaii. Otherwise, Mark “No.”

Item 3
Mark “Yes” if you are wearing contact lenses. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Item 4-A
Mark “Yes” if within the past two years you had a seizure or convulsion, stroke or TIA (mini-stroke), suffered from any episodes of confusion, or had a blackout spell. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Item 4-B
Mark “Yes” is you had a loss of consciousness or confusion due to high or low blood sugar. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Item 4-C
Mark “Yes” if you have any trouble moving your body that keeps you from driving safely. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Item 4-D
Mark “Yes” if you use drugs or alcohol that affect your driving. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Item 4-E
Mark “Yes” if you have Alzheimer’s, dementia, or memory loss. Otherwise, mark “No.”

Provide your signature and the date when you filled out and signed the State of Hawaii Driver’s License Application form.


You will need to submit your Hawaii Driver’s License Application form at a Hawaii Driver Licensing Office together with all the required documents to apply for a driver’s license.


Keywords: Hawaii Driver's License Application Hawaii Drivers License Drivers License Application in Hawaii Drivers License in Hawaii State of Hawaii Drivers License Hawaii State Driver's License Application

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