Health forms are documents used by healthcare professionals and individuals for health-related purposes, including declaration and tracking of health status and recording of medical history.
Some companies and other organizations use health forms to determine the eligibility of an individual for employment. Their decision is based on a healthcare professional's medical diagnosis for the individual seeking employment. Determining the health of job applicants enables employers to employ highly skilled and healthy applicants who can perform their duties. It also helps them determine the appropriate response for those they want to hire but have health problems.
Before donating blood, tissues, or organs, a potential donor must seek medical certification from a licensed physician or healthcare professional to know whether he or she is qualified or not. To document the medical diagnosis or certification, healthcare professionals use health forms. They serve as written evidence that donors may use to donate. There are also health forms that can be used to revoke or refuse organ donation, such as a Refusal to Donate Organs form.
While most health forms require the approval of healthcare professionals, there are health forms that do not, such as Health Declaration Form and Contact Tracing Form.
Health forms you may use
A Contact Tracing form is a document used to conduct contact tracing. It is an instrument designed to trace the transmission of Coronavirus disease or COVID-19. Contact Tracing is the identifying, listing, and following up of individuals who may have close contact with a confirmed, probable, and suspected COVID-19 case. It is a protocol that helps track down people who are possible carriers of the disease.
A Health Declaration form is used in the entry and exit screening procedures in public transportations, establishments, and other entities. It is designed as one of the health protocols that help mitigate the spread of Coronavirus disease or COVID-19.
If you plan to travel to the United States, furnish a Traveler Health Declaration form. It is a form used by the U.S. public health authorities and other international, federal, state, or local agencies to assess foreign travelers as a precautionary measure to prevent them from transporting COVID-19 to the U.S.
A Doctor's Note is a document issued by a doctor or medical professional that contains his or her patient's information, including the patient's medical condition and the number of days needed to rest. It also includes the doctor's medical diagnosis and medical advice or prescription for the patient. A Doctor's Note is needed when a student or an employee plans to file a leave of absence due to medical conditions.
A Medical Certificate is used to certify that a patient was examined and treated by a medical professional. It also certifies that a patient is free of contagious diseases, drug addiction, mental illness, or other health issues.
A Fit tor Work Certificate is a document issued by a physician or medical professional to certify that an individual is fit or unfit to work or fit to work but subject to work modifications. Employees use it to testify that they have been treated for the illness or injury that prevents them from working. Some employers require their newly hired employees to furnish a Fit to Work Certificate as a pre-employment requirement. It is to identify whether the newly hired employees are fit and capable of handling tasks and responsibilities.
A Child Medical Consent Form is a legal document that grants a non-parent or legal guardian the temporary rights to access medical care and give healthcare decisions for a child. It is essentially used during life-threatening situations or emergencies where a child needs immediate medical attention and his or her parents or legal guardians are unavailable. It ensures that a child's parents or legal guardians consent to the physician or medical professional to perform necessary medical procedures or operations. A Child Care Authorization Letter is another related document that works the same as a Child Medical Consent Form.
Healthcare professionals use a Medical Release form to ask an individual or patient's consent to disclose his or her medical information to a third party. The need to disclose a patient's information is when a third party like an insurance company asks for the patient's medical history. It is also needed if the patient's medical history or information will be used for marketing, fundraising, or research.
Advance Health Care Directive Form
An Advance Health Care Directive Form is a legal document used to record an individual's future health care decisions, including the directions, procedures, and precautions he or she opt for various medical conditions. His or her decisions listed on the Advance Health Care Directive Form may come into effect once he or she became physically or mentally unable to make decisions in the future.
If you plan to donate your organs or tissues upon death, you may use an Organ Donation Form to document your consent. Your consent includes the specific organs or tissues you wish to donate and their recipients. You may also include other terms and conditions regarding your donation.
If you have signed a document to donate an organ but later changed your mind, use a Refusal to Donate Organs form to revoke the previous agreement. Although donating an organ is a selfless act, you have the right to refuse it. If you want to keep your organs after passing away, you may use a Refusal to Donate Organs form to inform your legal guardians or other bereaved loved ones about your wish.
Maternity Leave Letter of Intent
A Maternity Leave Letter of Intent is filed by an employee who needs time off work to give birth, recover, and take care of her newborn child. Employers are required under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 to grant their pregnant employees a 12-week maternity leave.
A Medical History form or Health History Record contains an individual's medical information, which a medical professional use to determine the best treatment or operation to conduct. It includes the individual's allergies, illnesses, past surgeries, vaccinations, and results of physical exams and tests.
Pet owners may use a Pet Care Agreement to hire caregivers for their pets. It is a form used to set forth the agreement between a pet owner and a pet sitter regarding pet health care and services. It outlines the pet's information, including the name, gender, health conditions, and medications.
Use a Blood Sugar Tracker form to track your diabetes medicines, including the changes in dosage or timing. It will help you measure your mealtime insulin consumption and record the time of intake.
Suggested Forms
- W2 (2022)
- SS-4 (2017)
- TSP-76
- 1099-INT (2020)
- IT Inventory
- I-508 (2019)
- DS-3090
- Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition
- 5471 (Schedule I-1) (2019)
- SEC 5
- DA 8026-R
- Sample Patent Assignment Agreement
- 14157-A
- Temporary Guardianship Agreement
- North Dakota Marital Settlement Agreement (No Children)
- Notice of Temporary Displacement
- Florida Personal Property Bill of Sale (Sold As-Is)
- W-9 (2001)
- DA 5329
- Form 1127